Our Story

Chef Gabriel "Gabe" Griggs is a celebrated personal chef and owner of BoyMeetsGrills located in the heart of Hollywood.


I started Cuffin' Season because I wanted a product that spoke to the culture but could sit on any shelves from mom & pop shops to Whole Foods. I wanted it to be known that there is black chef behind this brand and put a little swag in the supermarket aisles. I have been grocery shopping since I was a baby practically and all I remember are rows of generic bottles that look the same, with different color variations and patterns but ultimately no personality. I never knew who was behind these brands, no character or differentiation and when you do see a story it tells you about a family recipe from the 1800s that bores you half to death. I wanted this to be relatable as I am not a classically trained chef, I can just cook my A** off and I wanted that casual home cook to be able to put the same pop in their plate as I do. If I can make your worst plate taste good, then I’ve done my job.

It was important for me to start this business as a product of a low-income neighborhood to show that inspiration can come from anywhere. I want this brand to stand as a tentpole for those people that have out of the ordinary ideas and ambitions and push them to pursue those ideas. Like many other minority youths, I believed sports and music were the only ways to rise out of poverty and though I was an athlete, ultimately it was my adaptability that led to my success. Continuing to add to and refine my skill set over the years lead to me being the first business owner in my immediate family and a chance to create generational wealth. I want people not to only be invested in this product because it’s delicious but also because it represents so much more. I saw a lack of representation in a space and unparalleled loyalty to brands by habit not necessarily because they spoke to you. I don’t know if you know who’s behind Lawry’s , or who’s behind Slap Ya Mama, but you will know who is behind Cuffin’ Season and who’s telling this story. Everything from the name down has been a conscious decision to bring some cultural colloquialisms to the forefront of mainstream marketing and turn the tide. To a majority of the audience, the name is understood, but to a good amount of people there will be questions… and those questions will be answered when you read our story. The concept, the flavors, the love that goes into each bottle will be understood and Cuffin’ Season will be a household staple, just a matter of what’s your flavor...

- Chef Gabriel "Gabe" Griggs

Chef Gabriel "Gabe" Griggs is a celebrated personal chef and owner of BoyMeetsGrills located in the heart of Hollywood.